Tuesday, April 30, 2013

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Thursday, April 25, 2013


  1. Is  the Great Wall really 'Great'? 
  2. By: Clarissa Marroquin the know it all
               Was the Great Wall of China really great? Well, if you were one who settled for less then sure! This is not the case though. The Great Wall of China was stared to be built during the Qin dynasty but it was mostly built in the Ming Dynasty. It stretches over 4,000 m long.  They built the wall to keep invaders from coming in on horse back and also so that no goods would be stolen. Over time the wall was being extended by different dynasties. There methods of building were also different. The Ming dynasty built the foundation of the wall of stone and brick.The Great Wall of China is now mainly used for tourist attraction purposes but it was built for protection purposes. In fact, The Great wall did not achieve its purpose at all. The Great Wall of China is not all that great considering what it was built for.
               The Great Wall was built to keep the Mongols from re-conquering China but did not keep them out completely and were able to sneak through and hold the emperor of that time hostage.  In 1644,internal rebellions destroyed the ruling Ming dynasty, and the Manchu were able to enter China from the wall's gates. If the Great Wall of China was so great then why didn't it actually work? Was this man-made land mark only named "great" because of its massive size that stretches over 4,000 m long? If the wall was so great the Ming dynasty would have probably lasted longer and would have full filled its rightful purpose. So even though the wall was made of bricks and stone and was very tall it still had its weaknesses and knowing that the Chinese did not have the technology that we have today then it most likely was not built very stable.
              The "great" wall still stands today as a grand human structure. I guess the wall could not take all of its grandness because it continues to crumble and slowly fall apart. To this day the wall is being repaired to save and restore the history that it holds. Even though its history was not all that great. If the great wall of China was being built today it would have lasted longer because of the tools we have. The wall now only serves one main purpose, a place were tourist can enjoy its amazing view. Though the Great Wall of China is a piece in the past that is held in the future it was not fully functional and was not very productive in keeping invaders out.

picture collage

This is a picture of the Forbidden city. The forbidden city was the Chinese imperial palace. It was located in the middle of  Beijing. It opened in 1420. This is is where the emperor lived and was protected. www.lovleyplanet.com

This is emperor Jianwen. He ruled the Ming dynasty from (1377-1402) www.history.culture-china.com
This is a picture of the bristle toothbrush that was invented during the Ming dynasty. The bristle toothbrush was made of boar hair and bamboo. This invention helped maintain personal hygiene. www.mingdynastyjackson.blogspot.com
This is shows tombs that were built in the Ming dynasty. They believed in the after life and that the emperor should be buried in different things. www.blog.chinatraveldepot.com

This shows the Great Wall of china. Even though the wall started being constructed during the  Qin dynasty, most of the wall was built in the Ming dynasty.                        www.lovleyplanet.com

Invention of bristle toothbrush

The Bristle Toothbrush
   The bristle toothbrush was invented during the Ming Dynasty. This invention allowed people to clean their teeth for the first time up until this time period. The bristels on the toothbrush were actually stiff hairs taken from the back of a hogs neck. These bristels were attached to handels made of either bone or bamboo. Bamboo was a very popular plant in that area. The down side about the boar's hairs is that they were rough on the gums.
     The bristle toothbrush was invented in the 1400s during the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty lasted from 1368-1644. The Chinese invention of the bristle toothbrush spread through Europe, where the wild boar took growing popularity due to this invention. But  because those hairs were so rough on the gums the people in Europe started to use the hairs from a horse witch were alot less rough. Though, the boar hair was most commonly used.
      This was an important invention to that time period because it helped people maintain better personal hygeine. Poeple's teeth would most likley rot due to lack of care. Many people probably lost their teeth at a very young age and would have a hard time speaking well. If it werent for the Chinese invention during the Ming dynasty then we wouldnt have inovated that toothbrush to make todays better. We would probably have rotting teeth and not as good as the nylon toothbrushes that we use today. If it hadn't been for the invention then the tooth paste probably would't have been invented. Our personal hiegine would not be as advaned as we have today. Inventions that were made in history affect us greatly.

The Map

The Ming dynasty had four major rivers. These rivers were the Yellow R., the Wei R., the Yangtse R.   , and the Western r. Having rivers is very important because watt was a need for crops and drinking. It was important to grow crops so that they could either trade or sell the crops to become wealthier. The first capital of  The Ming dynasty was Nanjing until the emperor changed it to Beijing. This is important because it was closer to the ocean and that means that they could export goods easier. Since the Ming dynasty was in proper China it was mostly flat lands.


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                                                   The Wall of Greatness 
                              By: Clarissa Marroquin  The know it all


                The Great Wall of China has been expanded and repaired! It is now the end of the Ming  dynasty. The Great Wall of China was started during the end of the Qin dynasty. Since then the wall has been added onto but has been mostly built during the Ming dynasty. The Great Wall of  China has been expanded during the Ming dynasty due to the response to the Mongolian and Manchurian powers. Although the protection did not always work. The wall was also meant to prevent soldiers or invaders from coming in on horse back and also so that no one would steal goods. 
                 Overtime different dynasties used different techniques on the construction of the Great Wall of China. But being an advanced dynasty, like the Ming dynasty was, used the most efficient out of all of them. While the other dynasties used fine gravel dirt that were rammed between boards, and stone the Ming dynasty built the foundation of the wall of stone and on top lime and bricks were stacked. This made the wall much more stable. The wall is 6,400km long. In fact, if you were to take all the stone, bricks, and grounded earth and build a 1.1 yard high and 5.5 wide wall it would stretch around the world several times. It is not really certain who built the different parts of the wall throughout time but it is said to have been either soldiers, prisoners, and or common people living in the dynasty.