Thursday, April 25, 2013

Invention of bristle toothbrush

The Bristle Toothbrush
   The bristle toothbrush was invented during the Ming Dynasty. This invention allowed people to clean their teeth for the first time up until this time period. The bristels on the toothbrush were actually stiff hairs taken from the back of a hogs neck. These bristels were attached to handels made of either bone or bamboo. Bamboo was a very popular plant in that area. The down side about the boar's hairs is that they were rough on the gums.
     The bristle toothbrush was invented in the 1400s during the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty lasted from 1368-1644. The Chinese invention of the bristle toothbrush spread through Europe, where the wild boar took growing popularity due to this invention. But  because those hairs were so rough on the gums the people in Europe started to use the hairs from a horse witch were alot less rough. Though, the boar hair was most commonly used.
      This was an important invention to that time period because it helped people maintain better personal hygeine. Poeple's teeth would most likley rot due to lack of care. Many people probably lost their teeth at a very young age and would have a hard time speaking well. If it werent for the Chinese invention during the Ming dynasty then we wouldnt have inovated that toothbrush to make todays better. We would probably have rotting teeth and not as good as the nylon toothbrushes that we use today. If it hadn't been for the invention then the tooth paste probably would't have been invented. Our personal hiegine would not be as advaned as we have today. Inventions that were made in history affect us greatly.

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